Find the perfect plan.

Small Team
$0/ mo
Perfect for startups.
4 Employees
1 Team
Upgrade Anytime
Start Free
Large Teams
$49/ mo
Flexibility for the company.
Unlimited Employees
Unlimited Teams
CC Managers
Allows managers to receive updates but not submit one themselves.
Custom Frequency
Request updates daily, weekly or monthly.
Enable employees to submit attachments, like a spreadsheet, along with their updates.
Start Free

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a team?
A team is a group of employees that submit weekly updates to each other. The Executive team and Marketing team would each be considered an individual “team” in Weekly Update.
What is an employee?
An employee is a person who submits updates. S/he can be a member of multiple teams. E.g. the VP of Marketing may be a member of the Executive team and the Marketing team.
What do I get for free?
The free plan includes up to 4 employees in 1 team. This is a great start for a startup company or small team.
How long does it take to setup?
Weekly Update is extremely easy to set up. You should be up and running in less than 5 minutes. For real.
What can I customize it?
You can change the fields, update schedule and employees for each team.
Do I need to train employees?
No. Weekly Update is very simple. Employees simply receive an email each week with a link to fill out a form in their browser. That is how they submit their weekly update.
My employees are not tech savvy. Can they use Weekly Update?
Absolutely. As long as they can use email and type, they can use Weekly Update.
How do I tell my employees about Weekly Update?
When you get set up, we’ll suggest an email to send to your team, explaining what Weekly Update is.

It's time to take action.

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