There are many different types of CEO. For example, “Operational” CEOs are going to be more focused on helping guide tactical decisions, processes, etc. On the other hand “Evangelist” CEOs likely need a partner (say a COO) to think about process while the CEO is spend time externally talking to customers, partners and investors. Both CEO types could work depending on the type/culture of company. Some overall things that every CEO should be doing:
1. Leading executive team communication
An effective CEO must be maniacally focused on communication. This involves leading the weekly executive team meeting and having leaders do weekly status updates (I use the app Weekly Update for this). The CEO has to be on top of this, lead by example and ensure the team is effectively communicating and collaborating.
2. Adding A players, removing B/C players
Good CEOs are constantly recruiting. They must act to quickly remove low performing people from the team, while at the same time be on the lookout for new A players to join.
3. Documenting the vision and goals
The CEO owns articulating the vision and defining measurable goals that are realistic for the team to achieve.